Big Picture -- Making An Impact

For many years, ICA has talked about our work in terms of the number of people we’ve helped and the pounds of food we’ve distributed. We are so proud that we have the capacity and the community support to help 800 families each month – providing food to those who are hungry is such an amazing way to help people. But the true impact of our work is so much greater than simply providing food.

A visit to ICA means that a family can spend their limited funds on paying their medical bill or sending their children to daycare so that the parents can work. A visit to ICA can mean that families can pay their rent and stay in their homes. And by staying in their home, children can stay in their same school, providing continuity and stability, which helps kids grow up to become healthy, successful adults. A visit to ICA can mean that all children are ready to learn – that they have full tummies when they head off to school so that their growing brains have the energy they need to learn.

A visit to ICA means that our neighbors stay our neighbors. Their lives are more stable, our communities are more stable, and we can all thrive together.

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ICA is here to help when people need us. What starts as a simple bag of groceries becomes so much more.

Thank you for ensuring that all in our community have what they need – your gift not only helps people in immediate crisis, but has a larger impact by helping families build long-term stability and well-being for years to come.

Peg Keenan

Executive Director