Client Story: Maggie's Apartment Fire

This summer, Maggie*, 37, had a fire in her home. Though the damage from the fire itself was limited to part of one room, smoke and water damage permeated Maggie’s entire apartment, making her home unlivable and destroying many of her furnishings and belongings.

Maggie and her 3-year-old daughter Alice were grateful that both escaped the fire unharmed. They have since been staying with family while Maggie has worked to get their lives back together. And though Maggie’s renters insurance covered some expenses, she needed help when it came to moving into her new apartment. Maggie contacted Hennepin County, and they referred her to ICA. She needed $3600 to move into her new apartment (first and last month’s rent + security deposit.) She met with our Case Manager Jessie, and came in with a plan. Between help from the Red Cross and her own financial resources, Maggie only needed $650, which ICA was able to provide through a one-time financial grant.

Maggie and Alice have since moved in, and are working to replace their beds and bedding, furniture, and clothing. Jessie encouraged Maggie to visit ICA for food when she first moved in so that Maggie could stock her new kitchen with groceries. Jessie also referred her to Reach and Restore to help replace furnishings.

Before the fire, Maggie had never needed ICA. This one huge, unexpected crisis knocked her off course. With ICA’s help, Maggie has been able to get back on track. Thank you again for supporting ICA and folks in our community like Maggie and Alice!

*Names and identifying details have been changed to protect privacy.

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