Goods & Services — ICA

It’s Minnesota FoodShare Month! Help us raise $250,000 and collect 150,000 lbs of food!

Donate Goods & Services to ICA

Auction Items

Do you provide an interesting, valuable or unique service? ICA holds fundraisers with silent and live auctions, and we are always looking for new opportunities to provide amazing experiences for guests to bid on to support ICA. Past auctions and events have featured items such as: 

  • Trips, cabins, hotel accomodations, airline vouchers, and/or vacation packages

  • Theater, sporting event, and/or concert tickets

  • Massage or spa services

  • Wine, whiskey, cigar, or food tastings and/or experiences

  • Behind-the-scenes tours, meet-and-greet, or experiences/tutorials with an expert

  • New retail merchandise

Office/Shelf Donations: Current Needs

ICA relies on our friends to help us keep overhead costs low so we can reach as many neighbors in need as possible. The following is a current list of supplies needed for our office, food shelf, and warehouse operations:

  • Printer paper

  • Cardstock

  • Paper products: paper towels, toilet paper, tissue

  • Paper grocery bags

  • Metal frames from yard signs

Other Items

Do you have other new or used items that you'd like to donate? Contact ICA Executive Director Dan Narr to find out if we might be a good match. 

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