Building Relationships & Making Connections

How ICA's Case Management Team Impacts the Lives of Our Neighbors in Need

ICA Case Managers work one-on-one with the individuals and families who come to us for help. When neighbors visit the food shelf for the first time, they meet with our case managers to talk through how the food shelf works and what to expect when they visit. Case Managers also find out what brought our neighbors to ICA, and how they heard about us.

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Our Case Managers also work with clients to ensure they are aware of and accessing other resources and services that are available to people when they need them. Common services to which we refer people include Energy Assistance, SNAP, free community meals, financial counseling and tax help, and a variety of housing, transportation, and food resources.

Case Managers also administer ICA’s Financial Assistance program, which helps people with a one-time expense where our help will have a significant, long-term impact. Examples include:

  • Move-in costs: security deposit plus first and last month’s rent

  • Helping with rent when a client experiences a gap in wages between jobs

  • Transportation assistance for getting to work and doctor’s appointments

Lately we’ve had an increase in requests for emergency Financial Assistance. We try to stay aware of the reasons people come to us for help, to identify any trends so that we can better help people. These are some of the reasons new neighbors have asked for help this summer:

  • they've had a major, unexpected expense, such as a medical bill or car repairt

  • hey (or their child) were ill, so they missed work and weren't paid

  • their spouse died or left and they now have only one income to rely on

This summer, we have seen an increase in the number of people who need us. Most of our clients don’t have a cushion to cover expenses when something major comes up. And that is why we are here: to help those in our community who need help. We are here for people when they need us, when the unexpected arises, to help our neighbors get back on track.