Matching Gifts Now Available!


A gift in any amount truly makes a difference in the lives of those in need in this community.

We help our neighbors in need by providing services to stop immediate crisis, working with them to build stability in their lives, with the ultimate goal to promote long-term well-being. Our food services can mean the difference between rationing food or skipping meals and eating healthy, well-rounded food that nourishes the body and soul.


We can't do our work without your help. We rely on our community donors who support our mission, not only this summer, but when the school year starts, during the holidays, and all year long. When you give each month, ICA knows that we'll be able to consistently provide services to those in need.

We have an incredible incentive for you to join us as a monthly giver -- a generous donor has pledged $10,000 to ICA -- $100 for each of the next 100 monthly donors! We're well on our way, but we still need your help!

Please consider joining us with a monthly gift and help us be the steady community resource our families count on. Sign up today at

Need another incentive? This July all funds will be proportionally matched by the "Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless" matching funds grant. Your gift will go even further!