We Provided Food for 1,162,323 Meals


Together, We Provided Healthy Food for Anna

Anna has a fixed income due to a disability. She recently found out that her rent was increasing by over $100 per month, though her income level is staying the same. She was worried about how she will make ends meet with this major change in her cost of living.

As a longtime resident of our community, Anna knew about ICA, but had never visited. She came to the food shelf for the first time this summer, and was so happy to receive food, including fresh produce, dairy, protein, and non-perishables. Anna expressed her deep gratitude for the help and was so excited to receive such great food. She feels hopeful that she can remain in the community she calls home with the help of ICA when she needs it.

*Names have been changed to protect client privacy. Stock photos used.

This story originally appeared in our Winter 2018 Print Newsletter. Read it here.