We Helped 469 Seniors in Our Community


Together, we helped Thomas after his heart attack

Thomas and his wife Kelly retired to Excelsior about 10 years ago. Shortly after, Kelly was diagnosed with cancer, and after a lengthy battle with the illness, passed away. Medical bills depleted much of their savings, so Thomas found a job at his local grocery store to supplement his income. He recently suffered a heart attack, and has been in and out of the hospital, unable to work.

While Thomas waited for his disability benefits to begin, ICA was able to help him with his rent, so that he was able to stay in his home. He has also visited the food shelf and received healthy foods to help him regain his health. He is so grateful that he was able to stay in his home and in the community that he loves.

*Names have been changed to protect client privacy. Stock photos used.

This article originally appeared in our Winter 2018 Print Newsletter. Read it here.