Farewell from ICA Executive Director Peg Keenan

Farewell from ICA Executive Director Peg Keenan

Keenan to Retire August 2020

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Over this last week the leaves have emerged, and the lilacs and the lilies of the valley have blossomed. We’re reminded of the changes that come with each season, the renewal that comes in Spring, and the ever changing world we are a part of. The biggest change though that we currently face is the challenging time of COVID-19. We have been informing you of changes in our monthly e-newsletter, as well as in our social media posts. Please know we are working hard to ensure the safety of all our primary stakeholders, while still fulfilling our mission of providing hope and assistance for our neighbors in need.

As we continue to carry out our mission as safely as possible, we have temporarily reverted from ICA’s choice food shelf model back to our pre-packaged model. Interestingly, this is how we provided food to clients when I came to ICA in 2013. As I consider my upcoming retirement in August, I think of ICA’s amazing ability to morph, pivot, and adjust since 1971, so that we can best serve our neighbors in need.

During the last seven years that I have been at ICA, staff have never stopped trying to deliver our food, homelessness prevention, referrals, and employment support services in new and better ways. We built out our K-Tel site which enabled neighbors to independently select the food they know how to cook and their family enjoys. We strengthened our relationships with other local nonprofits to compliment each others’ services. We found new ways to solidify relationships with our supporters so everyone in our community could have a variety of ways to support their neighbors.

I am so thankful for ICA’s smart, kind, and amazingly dedicated staff and board of directors, our devoted volunteers, our supportive congregations, our caring schools, and both our new and steadfast donors who now more than ever have stepped up to make a difference in our community. I also want to thank all the other committed leaders from whom I have had the privilege to receive support, guidance, ideas, and sustenance over these years – my fellow western suburban food shelf leaders, foundations, and grantors, and so many social service agencies throughout the Twin Cities.

I have had the privilege to steward ICA for the past seven years. Now I look forward to this next part of my life’s journey. I’m sure I will still run into many of you as we are out and about in the community. Until then, please stay safe and be well.

—Peg Keenan, Executive Director