A Message From ICA Food Shelf -- June 2, 2020

Memorial for George Floyd, 38th & Chicago, Minneapolis

Memorial for George Floyd, 38th & Chicago, Minneapolis

To our dear community,

On Friday we shared the following statement on Facebook regarding the tragic events in our community in the past week:

Our hearts are broken with the death of George Floyd. We understand the pain so many are feeling in his senseless death. Our hearts are with Mr. Floyd’s family and friends, and our local and regional community as we struggle to know the best way to make real, systemic changes.

ICA’s mission is to offer hope as we provide assistance to our neighbors in need. And we hold justice as one of our core values. We are committed to supporting our community as we work toward equity, inclusion, and a more just community, recognizing that without justice, there can be no peace.

At ICA we continue to be heartbroken and concerned about the events of the past week. Like so many of you, all we want to do is help. But we also want to see real change.

This weekend we have been in conversation with other hunger relief, civic, and faith organizations working on food justice and racial disparities in the Twin Cities, to determine the best way forward. While keeping focus on the local communities we serve, we also want to support the efforts of those impacted by recent events.

We are looking to the food justice organizations within those communities to lead and to tell us how we can support them. Should there be need for additional funding, it will come from other sources to support this work.

We are still working through the details of these initiatives and will share more when they are more fully formulated.

Racial disparities exist not just in Minneapolis and St. Paul, but within our community as well. ICA is committed to serving all of our neighbors in need. We are also committed to creating a more equitable and just community. Our neighbors continue to be impacted by COVID-19, job losses, and the need for affordable housing. Our neighbors continue to need our services and we appreciate your continued support of ICA.

Thank you for everything you are doing for our neighbors in need, both within our local and greater communities.

Thank you,
ICA Food Shelf