Your Gift Matters To Grandma Ellen*

Your help kept this family in their home.

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Ellen has recently taken over the care of her two grandchildren. She loves being with them and knowing that they are well cared for, though doing so has added a financial burden. Ellen has a full time job, but her hours were temporarily reduced. This caused her to be short on her rent. ICA was able to assist Ellen with a partial rent payment so that her family could stay together in their home. Ellen was also able to use the food shelf to provide food for her family—a much needed blessing with two additional mouths to feed!

Ellen’s hours have since gone back to normal, and her family is once again stable. She is so thankful for the rent help she received, as well as the great food from the food shelf.

*Note: To protect client privacy, we have changed names and identifying details and used stock photos in the included stories.