It's Time for the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign! And Our Neighbors in Need Are Counting on You

The state-wide Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign began over 20 years ago to help restock food shelves during their leanest months. It has since grown to become Minnesota’s largest food and fund drive, ensuring that shelves remain full for another season.

ICA relies on the food and funds collected during March to get us through our next few months of operations. All food collected this month will help feed hungry families in our neighborhoods—including kids, working adults, disabled neighbors, and seniors. Sponsored by Minnesota FoodShare, all food and funds collected during the month will be proportionally matched, which means your donations go even further. The more we raise, the more your gift will multiply!

How Can You Get Involved?

  • Donate. Contribute financially to ICA. Remember that all funds donated this month will be proportionally matched, so your gift will go even further. And thanks to our buying power, we can buy more food for the same dollar.

  • Host a Food Drive. Food drives are a great way to raise awareness of the need in our community! Collect food; donate it to ICA. View our Food Drive Toolkit filled with ideas, resources, and posters at

  • Attend Empty Bowls on Tuesday, March 10. This family-friendly community event offers up delicious soup and handmade bowls. Join us as we celebrate our local schools, artists, and restaurants, all while raising funds to help those in need. All are invited! More info on the back cover or at

  • Shop. Lakewinds Minnetonka, Driskill's Downtown Market, and Tonkadale Greenhouse are all offering roundups this month for ICA. We're also hosting an online silent auction March 1-8. Visit to bid.

  • Involve Others! Do your neighbors, coworkers, congregants, classmates, friends, and family know about the need in our community? Help us spread the word that it's easy to get involved and help. Let’s ensure all our neighbors have enough healthy food to eat.

March has traditionally been a great month for ICA, thanks to the involvement of amazing neighbors like you. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many!

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