ICA's Impact

Every day at ICA, I hear stories from families struggling to make ends meet and how ICA was there to help. I am always so encouraged when I hear the ways that our staff and volunteers are tangibly assisting so many neighbors. It is striking to realize that many of these families have similar stories: unexpected expenses that derail their finances, illnesses which leave families with extensive medical bills, and rents that are outpacing their wages.

The families who visit ICA also have so much in common. They are good-hearted. They work hard. They love their children. They want to provide. They belong in this community. They are grateful, and they want to give back.

This time of year brings a focus on family and togetherness, but is also a time of struggle for many in need. Please consider a gift to ICA this holiday season, so that together we can provide hope and stability to our neighbors at this time and throughout the year.

In gratitude,

Peg Keenan

ICA Executive Director

*Note: To protect client privacy, we have changed names and identifying details and used stock photos in the included stories.

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