Your Kindness Means So Much!

We recently received a thank you note from Brandon*, a young dad we recently helped with rent and food assistance.


Prior to the pandemic, Brandon had a great job and was able to care for himself and his daughter who has special needs. But he was laid off this spring, and even with unemployment, he wasn't able to cover both bills and rent once the additional funds expired in July.

So he visited ICA. Brandon met with one of our case managers over the phone. He received help with two months' rent which has kept him stable in his home, and has also been visiting ICA for food, which has helped keep his family healthy.

Here's what Brandon had to say to us -- and to you -- about his time with ICA:


Your kindness means so much!

Dear ICA staff,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for being so understanding, caring kind and generous helping me and my daughter with rental and food assistance the previous 2 months. I appreciate it dearly. Much gratitude. I really want to meet you in the future and thank you in person.

Again, thank you so much for your assistance and help.


Thanks to your gifts, we are able to help Brandon and his daughter and hundreds of other local families.

Your gifts provide food for families who are hungry, rent help for those at risk of losing their homes, and employment assistance for those seeking jobs.

Your gifts have such a tremendous impact on the lives of our neighbors. Please join us in helping our neighbors; make a gift to ICA today.

*Names and identifying details have been changed to protect privacy.