Investing in Our Community


Once again, it’s time to Invest in Your Community — November 19 is Give to the Max Day at ICA Food Shelf!

Since 2009, generous folks from all over Minnesota have gathered their resources and their hearts to make a BIG impact in one special day in November. It might have something to do with our famous “Minnesota Nice,” but it’s really a lifetime of generosity, kindness, and care in our great state.

Give to the Max Day this year is November 19. Once again, Minnesotans will collectively give to make a difference in communities across our state, funding nonprofits through days of tremendous need and much uncertainty. It’s a Give to the Max day like none other we’ve seen!

ICA Food Shelf is proud to once again be a recipient nonprofit organization that will benefit from the generosity of the day. Funds raised on this day go directly toward programs that address hunger, homelessness, and unemployment in our community, all of which have been on the rise in 2020. More than ever, financial contributions are vital to the well-being and stability of all our neighbors.

Year after year, we are inspired by the generosity of our community. For nearly 50 years, ICA has served neighbors in need because it makes our whole area stronger. When families and individuals have access to nourishing food, housing stability, and jobs, everyone does better.

Year after year, our donors and partners continue to support our work and mission because they know giving to ICA is a wise investment in our community.

That means:

  • Families stay stable in their homes

  • Children who have healthy food do better in school

  • Seniors don’t have to choose between vital medications and paying rent

  • Social connections stay strong

This year, on November 19, you can be part of the vibrant, amazing, and generous group of donors we’ve come to call friends here at ICA. And as part of the excitement, we’ve got a MATCH – of $25,000! That means for every dollar donated during Give to the Max, it will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000.

Two contributors are making this match possible. Meet them!

**Long-time donor and friend to ICA, Julie, is contributing $20,000 in honor and memory of her parents

"ICA is such a caring, professional, and well-run organization, and I am grateful for the much-needed services that it offers to our neighbors, especially during these very challenging times.

I hope that my Matching Gift, given in memory of my dear parents, encourages more people to give generously. And I am excited that each donation will actually increase my gift's impact as well!”

**The Medica Foundation is contributing a grant of $5,000 to ICA <logo>

The Medica Foundation  supports the work of ICA in the community because we share the mission of improving the health and well-being of all our neighbors by removing barriers to the services needed.

Early giving is now underway. Donate today!