Providing Nutritious Food to Our Neighbors in Need

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In 2017, ICA created a five-year Adaptive Strategy Plan to help us make a strategic impact on our community through 2021. Similar to a Strategic Plan, this document guides our decision-making and focus as we take a big-picture view the needs of our community.

Our primary goal of this plan is to “provide nutritious food for our neighbors in need and support improved health and well-being.” We know that people in poverty have a higher rate of health problems and a lower life expectancy than the general population. We are committed to offering nutritious food choices, and always looking for ways to help improve the physical and mental health of our low-income neighbors.

Our story this issue on SuperShelf focuses on major changes we made at the food shelf this year. We've already received great feedback from clients about the changes! Below, read the story of one family’s journey to improved health through ICA.

Thank you for partnering with us to provide access to healthy food for our neighbors in need!