ICA Food Shelf is looking for volunteers within the community to Bag for Tips at our local Cub Foods! Proceeds of this event support our Turkey Give Away, which provides holiday meals for those in need this season.
Cub Foods Minnetonka (Hwy 7 & CR 101) is a long-time supporter of ICA Food Shelf. These are scheduled on two of their busiest days of the year!
This volunteer opportunity is open to anyone and everyone in our community! We encourage you to wear your civic name tag (if applicable) so they can thank you for your service.
Youth must be 15 years of age to participate. Please email Shirley (Shirley@icafoodshelf.org) for more information. Shifts are 9:30-12:00, 12:00-3:00 and 3:00-6:00 on both November 21st and 22nd.
Volunteers needed! Sign up here.